🖼️NFT Collection

NFT game MetaGTA5

NOTE: You don't even have to play to own an NFT, you just have to buy an NFT and earn passive income in $GTA tokens. Attention each type of NFT will be different for each server.

What NFTs will be in the collection?

  1. Casino - (2 pieces per server) - NFT owners will receive commissions from all gambling games. Poker (0.3% of each hand), Slots (5%), Wheel of Fortune (0%), Roulette (~1% of total betting commission) in $GTA tokens.

  2. Tuning studio (5 pieces per server) - 10% virtual money inside the game (from all stock tuning), 50% in $GTA tokens from all donated features and tuning options (premium and unique changes for cars)

  3. Fueling stantion (5 pieces per server) - 50% of purchases of unique items in $GTA tokens.From all spending at ANY stations 20% in virtual in-game currency will be distributed to all owners of gas stations, evenly!

  4. Clothing Store (3 pieces per server) -20% From sales of unique clothing and accessories developed together with our partners in tokens $GTA. And 50% from sales of stock clothing in virtual in-game currency.

  5. Weapon Shop (5 pieces per server) - 20% of sales of unique weapons, skins appearance for tokens $GTA. And 5% for all sales in virtual in-game currency.

  6. 👑Premium account (Infinity per server)- a monthly subscription for $GTA tokens NFT premium accounts will give you enhanced game features. Prokachka character at 10 lvl, opening all licenses (including weapons), pay day in two times faster and two times more profitable, passed the military department, discounts in all stores for virtual currency at 20%, the ability to collect their group on the id, to open a faction in the form of a family.

  7. 💎Own server (For select investors or organizations only) - 90% of any investment in your server. All premium accounts (with monthly subscription), NFT businesses, commissions from marketplace and exchange - all income belongs only to you!

All initial income from NFT collections of official servers. Will be with full accountability reinvested in marketing!

Last updated